Monday, September 23, 2013

Pesachim 91b

When the Gemara says that if Rebbe Yosi holds like Rebbe Shimon Rebbe Shimon must hold like Rebbe Yosi, besides for Tosafos' Kasha Rashi contradicts himself. On Amud Alef he says that when we ask how Rebbe Yosi knows to Darshen the Pasuk like Rebbe Shimon rather than like Rebbe Yehuda, it is not a real Kasha since one Darshens as he sees fit, and is only a passage to say that Ish Kefi Achlo is his main source. Here however, Rashi explains that if not for Rebbe Shimon learning like Rebbe Yosi he should have rather used the Pasuk like Reb Yehuda.

Perhaps, to straighten out Rashi and the Kasha of Tosafos we can say as follows. When the Gemara says that according to Reb Yehuda it is Tarti Masha, it doesn't mean that he actively Darshens the Pasuk in two ways. It means that he derives both Halachos from the Pasuk. One is a Drasha and one is self evident.

Since Rebbe Shimon expressed that this Halacha is a Drasha he does not Darshen the Pasuk like Rebbe Yehuda, and must hold like Rebbe Yosi. And, although we can't ask why he saw fit to Darshen one way over another we can ask why he doesn't hold like Rebbe Yehuda, since his Shita seems to be more explicit in the Pasuk.

Or better, in Amud Alef Rashi is saying not to ask why he chose Rebbe Shimon but on Amud Bais we aware asking on Rebbe Shimon why he didn't Darshen it like Rebbe Yehuda rather than for something that Rebbe Yehuda considers self evident. But once there are two established Drashos we can't ask why one is better.

In the previous approach we would still be stuck wondering why Rashi didn't explain the Kasha of Amud Alef similarly to the one on Amud Bais. In the latter approach this is not Shver, since on Amud Alef the Kasha is on Rebbe Yosi whereas on Amud Bais it is on Rebbe Yosi.

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